Downloadable Presentations from Wildlife Tourism Australia’s 2015 Conference:
Wildlife Tourism: a Force for Biodiversity Conservation and Local Economies?
There were many valuable presentations. These are just a few of them. Others are awaiting uploading either because we have not yet received permission from the authors or because the content of the presentation is to be published in a journal (Journal of Ecotourism and others), and we are honouring the requirements of the journals by not publishing here until after the journal article is published.
Craig Wickham Exceptional Kangaroo Island (8.1mb) CWickham-Exceptional-Kangaroo-Island
Chris Thomas Creating jobs through nature-based tourism (4.9mb) CThomas-JobsNatureTourismSA
Janine Duffy Incorporating a client conservation action on tours (11.1mb) JDuffy-ConservationActionsOnTours
Janine Duffy & Yvette Pauligk The nose knows! (7.2mb) JDuffy-KoalaNoses
Kaye Rodden. Victoria Landcare Nurturing Our Landscape for Multiple Benefits (16.5mb) KRoddenVicLandCare
Matthew Jackson Phillip Island Nature Parks (4mb) MJackson-Phillip-Island
Rie Usui. Analysing food-derived interactions between tourists and ska deer. An article on Rie’s talk has now been accepted for pubication by the Journal of Ecotourism. To read the abstract and purchase the article (or download for free if connected with an academic institution) click here
More to come! (some are awaiting publication in the Journal of Ecotourism and other journals before being included here)