Nov 20, 2019 | Events, News |
(continued from previous post) 5-6th November The Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama was my next destination, so I had my first-ever ride in a Japanese “bullet train” to Kyoto, from where I switched to a local train to the very pretty region of Arashiyama,...
Nov 2, 2019 | Events, Members' stories, News |
Ronda J Green, PhD (chair of Wildlife Tourism Australia and adjunct research fellow, Griffith University) 2nd November 2019 Rie Usui Tonight I head for Japan (via Taiwan) as an invited keynote presenter at a wildlife tourism summit at the Asia-Pacific University,...
Feb 27, 2019 | Events, News
Viewing King Parrot, Lamington NP (photo Araucaria Ecotours) We originally planned to run a conference in Brisbane in June 2020. Coronavirus prevented this, but we held three lively and informative webinars in its place, and are now planning the conference for June...
Aug 16, 2018 | Conservation of wildlife and their habitats, Events, Interviews, News, Research, wildlife news |
Ronda Green (chair WTA) interviews Lizzie Corke of the Conservation Ecology Centre The Conservation Ecology Centre in the Otway Ranges, Victoria, is an innovative not-for profit venture featuring research, conservation and education. Founders Lizzie Corke and Shayne...