Oct 17, 2012 | Avoiding negative effects on wildlife, Birdwatching tourism, News, Working in wildlife tourism |
Letter from our vice chair re Red goshawk (our rarest raptor) and birdwatchers behaving badly 9 October, 2012 The Hon. Matthew Escott Conlan MLA PO Box 8599, Alice Springs, NT 0871 [Copies to The Hon. Peter Chandler, the Hon. Bess Nungarrayi Price, and the Hon. Willem...
Feb 26, 2011 | Animal welfare, Avoiding negative effects on wildlife, Interpretation, Working in wildlife tourism |
Tourism and wildlife habituation: Reduced population fitness or cessation of impact? An interesting new article in Tourism Management 2011 – in what circumstances is habituation to humans a negative or a positive effect on wildlife?
Jan 7, 2011 | Animal welfare, Avoiding negative effects on wildlife, Book reviews, News |
Animal Ethics in Context A new book by Clare Palmer, “Animal ethics in context” poses many questions and discusses what our ethical obligations might be towards domestic and wild animals. The book is available as a mail order from Andrew Isles. She...
Dec 13, 2010 | Avoiding negative effects on wildlife, Can wildlife tourism assist biodiversity conservation, Events, News |
Biodiversity Management and Tourism Development Ronda Green, 13th December 2010 I’ve just returned from the 2010 German Alumni Summer School , on Biodiversity Management and Tourism Development held over 8 days in Lombok, Indonesia. It was a great experience,...