Disabled Birding Tours
Having organized and sometimes guided disabled birding trips for well over a decade I’d like to shares a few thoughts on the problems and pitfalls and how to avoid them.
The very first issue is the nature of disability itself – all too often the world, even the most enlightened of providers, assume that ‘wheelchair user’ and ‘disabled’ are interchangeable terms. It is vital to first understand that not all disabled people are wheelchair users; in fact only a tiny percentage are. Indeed wheelchair users are only a small percentage of those disabled people that have mobility issues, there are far more people who do not use wheelchairs but find walking any distance painful, difficult or downright impossible.
This is really important as even enlightened provision is often merely a case of making facilities wheelchair accessible. It is not recognized that a sizable chunk of the population need benches every couple of hundred yards if they are going to walk the 1k boardwalk circuit that many wheelchair users can zip along.
In birding it is pertinent as a guide might reject a site that has no wheelable tracks instead selecting one requiring miles of flat walking, assuming they are catering for disability needs.
The second purely guiding issue is lazy assumptions about finding birds. Many, many guides build a portfolio of birding sites where certain species are guaranteed… faced with a client incapable of getting to that spot they cross the bird off the list of possibles, instead of finding alternative, more accessible sites.
As a birder with limited and unpredictable mobility, I have many alternative places to see birds depending on how I am that day. Sometimes sites are viewable without leaving the vehicle, sometimes they are ‘easy to walk to’ with plenty of benches to rest on, and on other occasions I can manage a few hundred yards of wandering around. I do not let life’s exigencies dictate what I will see, and a good guide will have several possibilities and tailor outings to fit the client without precluding too many birds.
Having said that, some birds just will not oblige. On a five-week trip to southern Africa just ONE bird proved beyond me – the Dune Lark. My wheelchair-using friend and I watched Dung Beetles while our group trooped over impassable sand dunes in search of the endemic. Every other bird was ‘doable’ because those planning the trip with me had searched for alternative sites. I’m never going to see every bird on a trip, but then, often perfectly able-bodied people dip out too. I know in advance what is and isn’t worth the effort and accept that some things are beyond my reach, but I am also acutely aware how many are possible if the guide puts in a bit more research.
It also depends on the sort of birder you are… I was never one to spend five hours hunting for a drab pipit just because it’s a rare endemic, I’d rather spend those five hours seeing 30 other species, which, in all probability, will be new to me anyway. All guides please note – know your client’s birding needs regardless of their physical abilities. My wheelchair-using mate is happy to be tossed into the back of a 4×4 and carried under an arm like a parcel, suffering any indignity just to see a new bird. On the other hand a 5.30am start means a 4.00am wake-up as, like many people unable to use the lower half of their body, just washing and dressing can be a time-consuming trial. A good guide needs to know this stuff and the only way of finding out is to listen – not as common a practice as one might hope.
Some guides make the fatal error of thinking they are leaders… happy to slog on regardless of their group and unable to listen as they fill the ether with their own anecdotes. We all like a good story, but we all like our chance to tell them too.
Good guides will say, “here’s my idea of the plan for the day, what does everyone think?”. Bad guides tend to say “tomorrow we will…”.
One guide we hired in our early days of overseas all-ability birding trips, went off for 45 minutes down a trail only to come back to tell us it was unsuitable and then say how many good birds he had seen. Not just crass and irritating, but a complete lack of planning. Another guide got miffed when everyone didn’t want to stop at his favourite watering-hole for a sundowner, preferring to get back to our B&B to rest up before dinner.
Its hardly brain surgery – ask the client what they want and what their physical restrictions are, then plan accordingly.
If you are planning the whole trip – not just birding outings – there are four main considerations, one of which, sussing out alternate localities, has been mentioned.
The other three are crucial for groups with mobility problems regardless of the day’s itinerary.
Accommodation Accessible accommodation often isn’t! That is to say many places claim full accessibility and turn out to have problems because the managers do not understand disability at all. For example, I have lost count of the number of times where a ‘disabled room’ turns out to be identical to all the rest save for a few grab rails and other parts of the place cannot be accessed at all. There seems to be a total lack of realization that wheelchair users cannot, miraculously, stand once they get to their room, the dining facilities or bathrooms! Yet its really easy to get it right. All you have to do is strap your self to a dining chair and see if you can turn around in the room, get up close to a washbasin, alongside a lavatory or between beds. See if, without standing you can reach the spare toilet rolls, towels or closet hanging-rail. If you cannot, then nor will a wheelchair user be able to. If you cannot hop your dining chair over a shower tray then a wheelchair user will be stumped too.
I’ve been in a ‘fully accessible’ hotel where the bar was up a flight of six steps and the dining room was in the basement and the only way down were stairs or the dumb waiter (luckily it was big enough to wheel into)!
Oddly, the more ‘third world’ facilities are, the easier the access is. When the shower consist of a shower head in a large room with a floor that gently slopes to a drain its ideal… far better than some marbled pavilion with gold taps and a damn great sill into a ridiculously small shower cubicle – pretty useless too, for some of us horizontally challenged (for this read ‘fat’) birders.
Transport This is another area where a little thought can eliminate problems. Yes there are fully accessible vehicles and often with transfers from airports etc one can ensure that the taxi service is adapted. But, far more often, it is a matter of working out how to make an ordinary vehicle suitable. The crucial question here will be whether the client is prepared to be manhandled a bit, a lot or not at all. Sometimes metal ramps can be hired but there are always ways around the issue if there are enough people around. In India we managed to get a wheelchair into the back of a small pickup/Jeep hybrid by the use of several strong young men and a few beer crates acting as stepping stones. Solutions are not always possible without fit helpers stoic wheelchair user. Almost always the design of the vehicle is crucial and minibuses with sliding side doors set in the middle are far superior to those with the only opening to the front. Moreover, many a problem has been overcome by having a low stool to hand to act as an extra step for those who can walk.
Toilet Facilities This is such a taboo subject in some cultures that it is often neither addressed as fully, nor as full-on as it should be. It’s not just a matter of ensuring that the most appropriate accommodation is booked. Long car journeys between destinations should usually have some sort of rest break, and a bit of research will reveal which type of facility has a ‘disabled’ toilet. In the UK, Europe and North America virtually all petrol service stations will have an accessible lavatory. In the third world it may be a matter of a convenient hotel, maybe building in a break where refreshments can be purchased so that the rest stop owner doesn’t feel they are being exploited.
This article just touches on the logistics involved in low mobility birding trips hinting at a few solutions, but the watchword remains ‘listen’. No two people have identical needs, be they fully physically fit or with a handicap*. Successful guides will be those who ask for preferences, listen to needs and research solutions.
1500 Words
*NB The very terms are not universal – in the UK the word ‘handicapped’ has become non PC and ‘disabled’ is used… the very opposite of the US. The totally right on prefer the term ‘differently abled’, which I think is just as patronizing as it can get…
This year I was injured while on holidays. I had two days of birding tours booked with Araucaria Wildlife Tours before my flight home. I asked if they could cater for me – yes. Ronda opened and closed the vehicle door, did up my seat belt, tied my shoe laces in preparation for walking, took photographs and recorded the birds we saw. Thank you for ending my holiday on a pleasant note.
We’ve had so much rtesponse on Facebook and this page to the quetsion of disabled wildlife tourists, I’ve started a Discussion page on this (second to right option, menu bar at top of page).
It has been pointed out on the WTA Facebook that disabled doesn’t just mean a problem with walking. I’ve taken guests on extended tours with epilepsy, a list of multiple allergies, advanced Parkinson’s, intellectual disability, speech difficulties (which doesn’t stop them from seeing animals but I’ve seen others lose patience with people who take a long time to ask their questions) etc.
We would be interested in hearing further experiences of operators and also of tourists faced with such problems or those who have witnessed problems (if criticizing a company, please make it anonymous and tell us the facts calmly and politely).
I was so happy to read this discussion. I am a paraplegic, have used a manual wheelchair for 38 years, and have been an avid birdwatcher for about 6 years. I live in Austin, TX and belong to Travis Audubon Society. I am the only wheelchair birder I know, and I loved the chat about the PC term for handicapped, disabled, etc. I use “wheelchair” as a way to distinguish my particular disability. I am so happy to hear people discussing the situation. I am currently looking for ways to connect with other wheelchair birders in the US or out. If you have any suggestions as to how I can find others like me, I’d love it if you could pass along that info. Thank you.
Virginia! I too am a paraplegic, however, I’m not an avid birdwatcher (do not travel much in search of sightings). Nonetheless, I do enjoy sitting on the patio in South Louisiana and watching the different species, specifically the Eastern Bluebird (as there are a few houses on my property that make up a trail) and Purple Martins when they arrive in the Spring usually just after Valentines Day.
I’ve been in a wheelchair myself for nearly 36 years (accident in 1979) and if you still don’t recognize who I am then shame on you. I’ve been trying to find you for several years just to keep in touch and see how you were doing.
Would love to hear from you even though this reply to your message was posted 4 years after. I am on facebook.
In my nearly thirty years as a birdwatching/natural history guide, I’ve had the pleasure of the company of many disabled people. Paralysed as a teenager and sent to a rehabilitation centre, I discovered that what my companions lacked in physical ability they made up for in intelligence, humour, enthusiasm and empathy. One of my most pleasant experiences was guiding a family around the Leanyer Sewage Pond here in Darwin. They’d booked a trip to Kakadu, but when the operator discovered that Dad and son were handicapped (and only slightly), he refused to take them. His loss, for they made delightful companions.
Parks and wildlife authorities could benefit from the wisdom and enthusiasm of such visitors. And to follow on from Bo and Andrew’s comments, I call for the provision of benches in well-visited spots. Such benches would also make walks easier for many others such as the unfit, the short-of-breath, pregnant women and small children.
Presently on crutches (broken bone in foot), I’m rediscovering the limitations and, hopefully, a little of the perspective, patience and wisdom of those who are less physically able. It’s a lesson from which all could benefit.
When I guided I always carried a small portable stool in the vehicle – this was before those ubiquitous roll up cloth chairs – and simply carried it along for any mobility challenged guests. Many times guests who couldn’t walk a km or more – as Bo mentions – could easily do so if they could sit for a couple of minutes every now and again. So when we were talking about something – tree, flower, bird or whatever – they would simply sit down. Very simple way to expand the opportunities for disabled people. A friend over here has some knee problems, so he carries one of those shooting sticks – the ones that are a walking stick that folds open to small seat that you basically lean back into – so has a very quick way to stop, be virtually seated – at least taking most of the weight off his legs – and use both hands for his bins. Lastly, I had a guest on crutches once who was determined to get out on the tour, which was wildlife not just birds. So when birds were seen, I’d take extra time to describe the bird, as a not very well seen bird – no binoculars – can be expanded in one’s mind with a detailed description. I’d also point out calls – ears aren’t affected by crutches – and spend a little more time describing the bird’s habits. So despite often not having great visuals on a bird, she came away with a very full wildlife experience.
Hi Carol. In my own birding tours (with Araucaria Ecotours) my son and I often photograph the birds we see – it’s a bit too tempting not to, especially when the birds are in a great position, doing something interesting, or a species we rarely see. But we always ensure our guests get the chance of good photos first, and we interpret what they are seeing. Some have said they are pleased that we are also taking photos, as it shows we have not become too blase about what we see and can still get excited about it even after so many years of birding.
I know what you mean though – I’ve been on other tours in Australia and elsewhere where guides hold everything up for their own photography, disappear for a while and forget about interpretation for their guests, ensure they get good photos themselves and don’t check whether their guests have been able to do the same, etc., sometimes giving us the impression they think of selling bird photos to magazines (or something similar) as their main job and guiding the tour is just a way of getting to the right spots.
That was great to read.
I”spotted”!my first bird in 1974 in my daughters garden, a fairy wren, the second, from my office window a bulbul. I was hooked. I’ve been to 45 countries and always first, I did some bird watching before anything else.
I don’t consider myself disabled except I can’t stand up without my stroller, not a wheelchair. I can walk well and need only stop after a certain distance.
My other problem is I have no transport and live alone
That’s it. Peter
I’m impressed by you guys and your will to “bird” no matter what the circumstances!! It’s amazing in life – there’s always a way to achieve things if we really put our minds to the cause. Well done!
cheers David Taylor
Im impressed by you guys and your will to “bird” no matter what the circumstances!! It’s amazing in life – there’s always a way to achieve things if we really put our minds to the cause. Well done! cheers David Taylor
I’ve had several operations on my knee over the last 4 years, and whilst I’m not the world’s most dedicated birder and tend to watch more cricket than birdwatching, I’ve done a bit of birding on crutches. Luckily I could use the ones that go to the forearm, rather than up to the armpit – that would be difficult. I found if I wanted to use my bins, I pushed my arms further down the crutches, so they were up to my upper arms and didn’t fall off, then learned how to use the bins with two steel poles sticking out at 45 degrees. It was inconvenient and probably looked ridiculous, but hey you get used to it. People tend to stay from you as well, especially if collateral damage from your crutches cause them to require crutches, or other injury aids. If you need the crutches simply to stand (I only need mine to walk) it would be more difficult, you may need a small pair of bins you can use with one hand. Would be interested to hear any others take on this, it’s a darned frustrating thing to put up with!
Geoff Price
Bo Beolens has provided lots of good points to think about. I always try to find out about my clients’ interests, physical limitations, style of birding, etc and plan the day accordingly. They always appreciate it. Yet, unfortunately, it’s amazing how many guides treat the tour primarily as an opportunity for THEM to see or photograph birds rather than the clients!
Carol Probets
Birding Guide
Blue Mountains, NSW.
A few times a year I have been taking overseas people birding as an
occasional fill-in guide for another business. t I find the people are usually very interesting. Recently took an American lady birding, to some local spots.
On first meeting her, I thought she was disabled when I first met her, although she did not say so in prior correspondence. When she first got off the train she had two crutches.
I thought” shit”! However, once she was walking on uneven and soft ground she was OK and did not need the crutches. At the end of the day I had a lot of respect for her.
She was nearly seventy, and an academic and a mother and grandmother. She had had four lower vertebrae fused and other back problems, but she was as keen as mustard and did not stop walking all day. Not only that but she was great to talk to and as sharp as a tack. A lovely person, and I just had to tell someone about her!
Greg Little
Newcastle, NSW