Join WTA or Renew Membership

Promote your business or service on our website which comes up on the first page of the google search for ‘wildlife tourism’, ‘wildlife ecotours,’ ‘wildlife accommodation’, ‘wildlife tours Australia’, ‘wildlife travel Australia’, ‘wildlife vacations Australia’ and many other such combinations.  Receive our regular newsletters, stay in touch with industry developments, network with other tour operators, researchers and others in the fields of wildlife, tourism and wildlife tourism

To apply for membership, please download an application form (either pdf or Word), and email or post to the address as shown. This will be circulated to the rest of the committee. Do not send payment until after notification of acceptance.  


On this page:

Why join Wildlife Tourism Australia?

Who can join Wildlife Tourism Australia?

How do I join Wildlife Tourism Australia?

How do I renew my membership?


Why join WTA? Benefits of Membership

  • Corporate and NGO members have a promotional page on the WTA website, with links to your own website to help promote your tourism business, organisation and/or related products (e.g. wildlife art, nature books, binoculars)
  • Promote your business/organisation (either personally or via your brochures and posters) at trade shows and other displays on behalf of members (sometimes free, sometimes for a small fee)
  • Add your voice to promotion of a quality wildlife tourism industry and in support of conservation of wildlife and their habitats
  • Free downloadable material to support wildlife tourism businesses,  conservation and research
  • Discounted registration fees at WTA conferences, workshops and other events
  • The opportunity to communicate and network with others involved in wildlife tourism around Australia
  • Being part of a recognised voice for the wildlife tourism sector, consulted by governments and other key bodies
  • The opportunity to participate in initiatives to promote the sustainable development of wildlife tourism
  • The opportunity to participate in the development of policies and written submissions affecting wildlife tourism
  • The WTA Newsletter via email highlighting activities, news and events
  • A vote at the AGM and the opportunity to nominate for election to the Executive Committee
  • A personalised annual WTA Membership Certificate that you can use to enhance your business image

Who can join Wildlife Tourism Australia?

  • Tourism operators: including touring companies, eco-lodges, farm stays, zoos, wildlife parks and other businesses that incorporate wildlife in their operations, or who are interested in doing so (corporate membership)
  • Members of the tourism industry: including employees or volunteer employees of tourism operations or organisations with an interest in wildlife tourism (individual or concession membership)
  • Commonwealth, State, and Local Government: organisations and individuals dealing with wildlife tourism, particularly in tourism and environmental/land management agencies (corporate or individual membership)
  • Academics and students: conducting or planning research on wildlife tourism (individual or concession membership)
  • Members of Non-Government Organisations: including  tourism, conservation, birdwatching or other naturalist activities with an interest in wildlife tourism (corporate, concession or individual membership)
  • Others with an interest in wildlife tourism (concession or individual membership)

Our primary focus is non-consumptive wildlife tourism with free-ranging native animals, both terrestrial and marine, but it also includes wildlife parks and zoos, including exotic animals, especially where there are good conservation breeding programs and quality interpretation.

How to join Wildlife Tourism Australia

Apply as a new member:  

Download an application form, and send to the address as shown. This will be circulated to the rest of the committee.  Select the pdf or Word docx version application form:

Do not send payment with your initial application as you will first be notified of acceptance and that notification will include information regarding as a member on payment. Your membership would then be confirmed upon receipt of your payment.

As a member you will have the opportunity to provide information for your listing on the WTA website.

Pay for your new membership [or to renew your existing membership]

Once accepted as a new member please download the invoice (either dox or pdf), fill in your details, choose your method of payment and let us know when you’ve  paid (it can be very frustrating working out who anonymous payments have come from):

If you need a personalised invoice for your accounts department, please let our treasurer Simin know.

To advertise your product on the website (free with business/NGO membership):

  • As a member we invite you to send us news, articles or photographs to place on our website.  It may also be relevant for us to add to our Facebook page.  So please email us advising the name of your business, your contact information and a few paragraphs you would like to be uploaded. Email to:

How do I renew my WTA Membership?

  • To  renew your membership just complete the invoice as for new membership above (but tick “renewal” at the top) and make payment as per instructions on the invoice.   If your website listing needs updating please send relevant information.

Any queries, please contact us

How much does it cost to join Wildlife Tourism Australia?

  • Larger business or NGO  $120
  • Small NGO (<10 fulltime employees) or business (<5 fulltime employees)    $80
  • Individual    $50 
  • Concession* $25

Membership is from 1 July to 30 June each year

*Concession is for students, pensioners and unemployed involved in wildlife tourism  (e.g. working as volunteers at wildlife parks or studying wildlife tourism or related topic)

All fees are in Australian Dollars ($AUD) and GST is NOT applicable. For student/concession membership, evidence of enrolment/pension is required (concession can be extended to seniors, invalid pensioners and unemployed).

Designed by Wildlife Tourism Australia | Copyright 2016 Wildlife Tourism Australia