Welcome to our jobs page
- Use this page to advertise relevant vacancies – either add a comment or let us know via the Contact Us page.
- Please visit the job-seekers page. to see details of motivated prospective employees seeking employment or work experience
- Use our job-seekers page to let prospective employers and hosts know about your interested, availability and background experience
- Show your prospective employer you understand the basics of responsible wildlife tourism by reading the links from wildlifetourism.org.au/experiencing-our-wildlife/policies/
- If interested in volunteering for wildlife research (which may or may not involve paying for your involvement), check out our wildlife tourism research network
- To view WTA member operations to see which you might be interested in asking about vacancies, go to our Wildlife Tours, Parks, Accommodation page
- Also check http://jobgurus.net/careers/wildlife/ for new opportunities
NOTE: We are now promoting most vacancies only via our member newsletter.
* * * *
Scrolling down this page you will find
- links to other pages that advertise relevant vacancies
- samples of currently available vacancies in wildlife tourism, ecotourism, wildlife conservation and related fields
- courses in wildlife and tourism related fields.
Select from the quick links below:
Research Jobs
Various Job Sites
Courses and Training
Casual Wildlife Keeper and Presenter
Wings Wildlife Park is a family-owned business and has been operating for over 30 years. We house over 150 different species. Wings Wildlife Park have a casual position available for a wildlife keeper. A permanent position may be offered to the successful applicant. The successful applicant will have experience in the wildlife industry, be engaging with visitors through interactive wildlife talks and guided tours.
The successful applicant will be responsible for:
• Preparation and provisions of daily animal diets & feeding.
• Daily species husbandry – cleaning, enrichment, and maintenance.
• Ensuring all on and off display areas are clean & safe.
• Provide a positive experience while interacting with park guests of all ages & nationalities. • Provide face-to-face wildlife presentations and encounters for visitors at an engaging level. • Maintain records.
Essential criteria –
• Minimum of 3 years paid experience in the wildlife industry.
• Certificate II or III in Captive Animal Management preferred.
• Strong knowledge of the captive management/husbandry of native Australian animals. • Livestock experience an advantage.
• Ability & willingness to safely handle potentially dangerous animals.
• Effectively communicate both written & orally.
• Excellent public speaking ability.
• Presentable and self-motivated, able to work well within a team and alone. • Tour guide experience.
• Willingness to work flexible hours including weekends & public/school holidays. • Manual drivers licence.
• Must be physically fit and able to work in adverse weather conditions.
• Police check.
• Working with vulnerable people card.
Desirable –
• First aid certificate.
Wages will be paid as per award Amusements, Events & Recreation and depending on applicant’s capabilities. Subsidised on-site accommodation available.
Gunns Plains is situated on the North West Coast of Tasmania, 45 minutes from the Spirit of Tasmania and Devonport airport. Local supermarkets (Coles, Woolworths and IGA) can be found at the coastal town of Ulverstone (approx. 20 min. drive) as well as restaurants, bars, hotels etc.
To apply please submit a maximum 2-page cover letter addressing the position criteria, resume and any photos of yourself handling wildlife to:
The Life Sciences Manager
Applications close end of business Friday 15th January 2021.
Interviews will be conducted from Monday 25th January 2021
Wings Wildlife Park is an equal opportunity employer and consideration will be given to all applications however due to the high level of applications, only those progressing to interview will be contacted.
The email newsletter Wildlife Extra regularly lists wildlife vacancies. Contact them at Wildlife Extra <editor@wildlifeextra.com>
WILDLIFE JOB SEARCH: www.pherkad.com/jobs.html
This is a great search engine with regular eco tourism jobs: Ecotourism jobs
Now accepting applications for 2018
OXFORD, Ohio (Sept. 1, 2017) – Miami University’s Project Dragonfly is accepting applications for 2018 Earth Expeditions graduate courses that offer extraordinary experiences in 16 countries throughout the world. http://EarthExpeditions.MiamiOH.edu/
In Baja, students work in the diverse marine environments of the Bahía de Los Ángeles Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In Belize, students explore the world’s second largest coral reef system. And in Australia, students conduct research on the world’s largest reef system, working directly with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the organization responsible for the management and conservation of the Great Barrier Reef. Students in these courses apply field methods in reef, island, sea grass, mangrove, and other marine ecosystems, while becoming part of a global alliance of professionals who work together to engage communities in science and conservation.
Earth Expeditions can build toward the Global Field Program (GFP), a master’s degree that combines summer field courses worldwide with web learning communities so that students can complete the GFP master’s part-time from anywhere in the United States or abroad. http://GFP.MiamiOH.edu/
Graduate tuition for all programs is greatly reduced because of support from Miami University.
Australian Public Service. Environment Jobs
Jobs: https://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/our-department/careers-with-us/working-for-dnrm
Job Centre: http://jobcentreaustralia.com.au/
Volunteers: www.environment.nsw.gov.au/volunteers
Jobs: www.environment.nsw.gov.au/jobs
Job Centre: http://jobcentreaustralia.com.au/
Volunteers: www.dse.vic.gov.au/about-dse/volunteers
Jobs: www.dse.vic.gov.au/about-dse/careers-and-employment-at-dse
Job Centre: www.careers.vic.gov.au
Job Centre: www.parkweb.vic.gov.au/about-us/employment/vacancies
Jobs: www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/ThemeNodes/SSKA-7EZVQ6?open
Job Centre: www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/WebPages/RJEH-7DA7V3?open
Volunteers: http://www.volunteeringsa-nt.org.au/
Jobs: www.environment.sa.gov.au/Work_With_Us/Working_at_DENR
Job Centre: www.environment.sa.gov.au/Work_With_Us/Working_at_DENR/Vacancies
Volunteers: https://www.volunteeringwa.org.au/
Volunteers: https://dcm.nt.gov.au/supporting-government/strong-community/volunteers
Also check out these links for wildlife job postings:
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
NRM Jobs
Wilderness Society
This is a new section – please advise if you would like your courses to be included here
Volunteering can serve a useful purpose in raising awareness of our wildlife, and also give you valuable experience and something to add to your cv.
Conservation Volunteers Australia always has a variety of exciting projects to join in with, giving you the opportunity to do your bit for conservation while travelling through the country.
Many wildlife tourism operations such as Australia Zoo, David Fleay Wildlife Park, Underwater World and others employ volunteer guides and offer training. Some natural history and conservation associations (e.g. Lamington Natural History Association) are also involved in nature interpretation, and welcome enthusiastic volunteers
Monkey Rehabilitation Carer. 6 month contract. BARC. Tabanan, Bali.
Cleland Wildlife Park in the Adelaide Hills (South Australia) is seeking volunteers.
General sites for job seeking:
www.au.jora.com (formerly Jobseeker)
The Tourism Research Entity at North West University, South Africa has a vacancy for a post doc. The position is for one year but can be extended up to 3 years. For further information contact Mrs Hanneri Borstlap at hanneri.borstlap@nwu.ac.za
50 Partial Scholarships ($6,000) are now available to study IWC programs in integrated water management, which is available via distance learning. Get more info here.
Are you interested in training or receiving some education? Get information on education, training courses here.
job offer d https://usjoboffers.blogspot.com job offer withdrawn references
I’m an expert writer who loves to bring smiles to people’s face.
Writing is what I do for a living and I am so passionate about this. I have worked with several associations whose mission is to help people solve problems.
I love traveling and have visited several countries in the past few years.
I’m happy to have written several books that have contributed positively to the lives of many. My books are available in several parts of the world. And I’m currently working with service providers that help people save energy. Being a part of this team has open more opportunities for me to excel as a writer. I have worked with different people and met many clients as a writer.
I can handle any kind of writing and provide nothing but the best. People come to me all the time to ask if I can solve their assignment problems and I accept. I find pleasure in helping them to solve their problems as a professional.
Academic Writer – Alton – 10 Most Common College Freshman Mistakes Corp
A wonderful content. I want to talk with the author. Please contact me by email divingcyprus[at]gmail.com
DEC Has Officlay been SPluy As of june 30 2013 All Wildlife Matters Are REulated BY The DEpartment Of Pasrks ANd WIldlife (DPAW) For Western Australia THare NOlonger a DEC
Dear all,
My name is Francesco Grossi, and i am 30 years old and i’m Australian / Italian.
I love Australia because is such a beautiful country and you can find such a different fauna and flora. I’d love to work with animals and wild nature. This is my biggest passion
I am currently in hospiltality and i’m business owner. I’d like to work part-time, full-time or voulunteer everyday. If this means to work with animal and wildlife, i will be available even during night time.
I have always been passionate about nature, especially about animals, and i have always wanted to work with them. Australian fauna and flora are really really interesting. That’s why it will be a real chance to me to work with you!
I never work in a wildlife park before, but i have a huge passion that could be better than graduation, just kidding! I have a lot of animals at home.
I am responsible, serious and persevering, and i am always involved in everything i do (especially in what i love).
It will be a real chance to work with nature and anmimals
You can contact me at fracchio86@yahoo.com for more informations.
Thank you, i look forward to hear from you.
Best regards,
Francesco Grossi
Hi Sir / Madam , My name is Akshay Patil. I’m a zoology student . I’m studying BSc in zoology. Want to know that is there any job available for Bsc zoology srudent ! I’m looking forward to complete my further education in Msc Wildlife conservation and Action ! I’m from India and looking for new opportunities! Please do reply
Im 28yrs old. Im from South Africa. Just immigrated to Brisbane Austrailia. I would absolutely love to work with any kind of animals. Im a very very hard worker. Kind Regards Yolande van Wyk Hellyer
My name is Mary Mackereth, i am 24 years old and originally from the UK.
I studied animal management at Btec level, then progressed on to gain a degree in Wildlife conservation & zoo biology.
Animals are my passion and always have been. I am very enthusiastic to find a job in this field, as i am willing to move anywhere in Australia to fulfil my dream.
In 2014 i travelled to Costa Rica where i conducted a research project on the decline of venomous snakes in La Gamba, a small village in Puntarena. Rainforest tours where a part of our daily routine, this enabled me to learn such skills as GPS tracking, report writing, trapping, mapping and many hours spent in the lab. Along side this i studied Spanish which allowed me to engage in open education with the local people about conservation.
I have also worked in a veterinary practice as an unqualified vet nurse, volunteered at a small animal park and worked in two kennels and cattery when i was younger.
I am particularly interested in moving to WA to forward my career but am willing to travel wherever if a job became available as i have no ties.
Thank you for reading this. Please do not hesitate to send me an email on mmackereth@hotmail.co.uk if a position becomes available,
My name is Abdul.I have HND (Distinction) in wildlife management and ecotourism,from the Federal College of Wildlife Management,NewBussa Nigeria. Also almost done with Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry and Environmental Management.I would be grateful to be awarded Scholarship for Masters In any wildlife and ecotourism related courses.
To whomever is reading this,
I am on the search for a job in the animal field in Australia. Queensland is my goal for location. However, I would be open to different areas. I’m a hard worker and would love to work with any sort of animal conservation effort. I’ve just completed a marine mammal training internship over the course of the summer and am eager to dedicate myself to animal life. I am a 24 year old female, currently residing in California. Please email me at droseosborne@yahoo.com if you would like to see my resume.
Thank you for your time,
-Destiny Osborne
I am 23 years old , i have a first degree in wildlife and eco-tourism management in university of Ibadan Nigeria and i am really passionate about nature and environmental conservation and am presently looking for A scholarship in environmental toxicology or a course related to environmental conservation for my masters degree, preferably in Australia.
I am from France, 21 year young woman.
Very passionate about the wildlife and animals.
Seeking for opportunity like animal care taker, keeper, feeder, animal assistance.
If anyone can prove chance for same i can prove my self about animals and wildlife
My id is Dibel.brenda@gmail.com
I m ready to work in any condition for wildlife and animals
Also willing to work as animal assistance
Please do contact.I live in france actually but take a plan for Australia is not a problem for me. Really.
A holder of a Bachelor of Environmental Science Honors Degree in Wildlife and Rangeland Management with five years of working experience seeks employment. contact for more, dzorekayindambakuwa@gmail.com
I have just completed my Bsc. in Eco-tourism and Nature conservation at Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University (SEKOMU) Lushoto-Tanga,Tanzania and am looking for a masters scholarship in a wildlife management related course or Eco-tourism.
Kindly assist me if you are in a position to.
Contacts : +255 o78 682 9214
With regards,
Chilumba Christina.
I am a very interesting lady, passionate about food security, wildlife management ans conservation. I graduate in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Zoology at Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
Since then, I have been in volunteership programs, and also job seeking but to no success. Kindly, I would be glad if you can help me get to study further for masters degree or any emploent opportunity in my field of interest. I am really trusting that something comes up soon. Please feel free to contact me at any time.
Thank you for your the and concern.
Yours sincerely,
Sylvia Mkenya
Email: sylmkenya@yahoo.com
Contacts: +254 711809891
Nairobi, Kenya
I m from India, 23year young boy.
Very passionate about the wildlife and animals.
Seeking for opportunity like animal care taker, keeper, feeder, animal assistance.
If anyone can prove chance for same i can prove my self about animals and wildlife
My id is mehulchavda91@gmail.com
I m ready to work in any condition for wildlife and animals
Also willing to work as animal assistance
Please do contact.
To whom it may concern,
I have just completed my Bsc. Wildlife wildlife management in the University of Nairobi and am looking for a masters scholarship in a wildlife management related course.
Kindly assist me if you are in a position to.
Contacts : +254728305732
With regards,
Mary Macharia
I am currently completing my final year of a Bachelor of Zoology, major in Ecology at the University of New England. Over the past 3 years I have been gaining experience and a skill set in the field of zoo keeping at a number of organisations including Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Australia Zoo and Friends of the Koala Care Centre. During that time my duties included crowd control, assisting with food preparation for a variety of species, assisting with morning and afternoon feedouts, preparing and assisting with animal enrichments, assisting with animal observations, enclosure cleaning and maintenance, gardening with Zoo grounds, interacting with Zoo guests and aiding in the rehabilitation and release of wild koalas.
I would love to be considered for any employment opportunities in the future.
Dear Sir/Ma’am
Greetings !!!!!!!!!
This is Hariom Goel from New Delhi, INDIA.
I have done PGDM/ MBA in international Tourism business from Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (An Organization of Ministry of Tourism ). I have worked with Thomas cook company.
I am very much interested in doing work for your organization in Wildlife Tourism.
I would be happy in doing work for your organization .
Hariom Goel
I am 30year old male currently a Nature Reserve Manager in South Africa Western Cape Province, doing Fire Management, Alien Vegetation Management, Infrastructure Management, Ecological Monitoring, etc ..looking for a similar or any related to conservation management.
kind regards
Dear Sir,
We conduct Safaris and Volunteer Projects in Southern Africa in Wildlife areas and Other.
Johan Human
You are doing GREAT Work.
i am onyiko from uganda ,i studied certificate in wildlife tourism management from uganda wildlife training institute i am looking for a casual job in this sector thank you
I would like to advertise for a casual position vacant in our Turnstile/Admission area at Featherdale Wildlife Park in Doonside NSW. Must have bookings & admission experience in a fast paced environment. Must be friendly and customer service focused.Hours are varied
hey nancy i am pleased to contact you for the post avilable in the organization where you are,i will be greatful for any consideration taken
thank you
Hi Nancy, I’m a couple of months late so I’m guessing you’ve already filled this position, but I was wondering if you have any other positions available at Featherdale at the moment?
hello sir
i am associated with animal saving society state Gujarat India.(Reg.no.f-529./Guj/314/Nav for the last five years i have deep interest and respect for animal.i feel if i can serve these beautiful creatures of nature the purpose of my life shall be accomplished. I am always ready for any kind of animal related work if you give me one opportunity to work with animal my dream is success i want to long time animal related work/job please help me Thanks my email and my mobile no below
+91 9925011679
please give me reply
my name is Belayneh Abebe. I am 21 years old and graduated from Mekelle university in wildlife and Eco-tourism management. now i am looking for Msc scholarship. if you opening please makes me knowledgeable in this interested discipline(wildlife.
yours sincerely Belayneh Abebe
This is a very useful site for those seeking work in the Australian wildlife tourism industry – and thank you for posting current job availabilities. 🙂
Hello everyone
My name is Joshua O’Donnell and I live on the Far North Coast of NSW. I’m extremely passionate about wildlife, conservation, the environment and outdoor recreation. I’ve just completed a bachelor degree in Environment Tourism Management which combined tourism business education with environmental science studies at Southern Cross University and I’m about to commence study of a Certificate III in Captive Animals at TAFE which commences in July 2013 this course involves a minimum of 8 hours work experience in the industry.
I’m trying to gain full time work in the wildlife tourism industry and I prepared to start at any level just to get my foot in the door which seems to be the hardest part. I’m prepared to travel or move and my studies can be transferred or carried out via distance. In the future I would love to incorporate further studies such as honours and potentially my PhD into my work/career.
I’m currently an active volunteer at the Animal Rights and Recue Group in Lismore where care and rehabilitation for abandoned and neglected animals are the main duties. During university I volunteered at the local Australia Seabird Rescue Centre, where the rehabilitation and care of sea turtles and sea birds were the main duties carried out and I also helped out on a Dolphin Acoustic and Ecology Research Project in Byron Bay which involved data collection and observations for extended periods of time.
I can be contacted via email: joshua_odonnell@outlook.com
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you for your time
My name is Alexandra Mora Buvinic, from Chile, South America!!, 23 years old. Im a veterinary student, 4th year. Today in my country Im proceeding my visa to Australia because I would love to do a volunteer on January 2014 up to February (2 months), this are my summer vacations on Chile. I want to ask you if it is possible to realize this opportunity !!. I ve just realize diferents practice during my carrer. For example one of my profesional practice I made was in the Zoo of my city, here is the link: http://www.zooquilpue.cl/ (if you need any paper that I´ve made my practice I can send you), also I worked with police horses, worked in a recognized veterinary clinic called “Clínica Veterinaria Hermanos Meneses”. Nowadays I´am working on a Foundation of dogs in adoption where I realize surgery (sterilizations) and this is another practice in my resume. Pleeease!! I need to know more about animals that do not exist in my country, only Australia, that’s why its so important for me.
I will wait for your answer, thanks!!
And Im good at teamwork!!
Respected Mam,
I am Yogesh Bokade from india, I have done my MBA from Department of Business & Industrial Management, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University,Surat,Gujarat,India having specialization in Tourism & Hospitality Management.
I have completed my study last year. I have done research project titled “Customer satisfaction towards the services at Hotel Ritz” & “Ecotourism in Goa.” Currently i am working with Yatra.com as a trainee.
I would like to do further study in tourism & hospitality and if any job vacancy please let me knois there .If there is any funding in your institute then please let me know.
I eagerly want to do further study in my subject and for that i want scholarship for that. So please let me know about scholarship programme in also any other institute for indian students.
Thanks & Regards
Good afternoon,
My name is Sarah, and I want to be the best at what I want to do. I am a mature age (29) BAppSci student studying through UQ Gatton (Wildlife Major). I am seeking a career in the wildlife industry, particularly in Behaviour and training. I love the avian world, but I am certainly open to any experience you may have. I have already made enquiries to other associations to gain qualifications to prove how dedicated I am to this career and hopefully (finances permitting) I will be attending an intensive training course at “Natural Encounters” with Steve Martin in America in January/February next year. I know how competitive the job market is for wildlife positions as I have applied for many over the last couple of years, however I am always pipped at post by someone who already has experience in the industry. It’s quite hard to get a foot in the door to get experience to beat them which is why I undergo any training and courses to be the best at what I do.
I will of course consider anything that may be available. To be the best, knoweledge in many areas is a must!
Appreciate your time
Hi all, my name is Nicole and I’m extremely close to gaining a bachelor of health science from Flinders university, south Australia. Im 23 and have always had a keen interest in science. However, my real passion is wildlife, conservation and animals and am looking to expand my knowledge of the sciences to include these areas. A traineeship would be perfect. However, any offers are greatly appreciated. I’ve looked into such areas as vet nursing all the way through to zoology. Please help!
Thanks guys, this is a great and useful site and will recommend to others.
Sorry, email is laro0009@Flinders.edu.au.
hello i m from india and i am very much interested in nature tourism i love to work for that but i m not getting the path to serve this beautiful world and do the things for nature plz provide me an opportunity to serve our mother.
I’m Mthwesi A from South Africa would love to pursue my career in wildlife species.. I have a passion towards environment as i just completed my Degree in Environmental Studies am fascinated about whats happening on the environment.. Would love to do anytraining pertains environment sustainability
my email is:
Dear Sir/Madam
I have just moved to Melbourne from the United Kingdom for 6months and I am currently seeking work with animals. I have for the last 5years been working at Longleat Safari Park within the department of animal adventure which houses many species e.g anteater, snakes, meerkats, ferrets, bats and red panda. I have also worked with parrots and did bird shows to the public. I have learnt many skills here but would like to widen my knowledge further. I am reliable, hard working and pick things up quickly. I don’t mind what job and would love to hear off you!
Please contact me at blueberry_becky@hotmail.com. Thank you
To whom it may concern
My name is Jon and have just finished a honours degree course in Environmental Science from The University of Plymouth where i spent three years studying on everything from anatomy to renewabe resources. While doing my degree i led a university expedition to Malaysia where we researched epiphyte distribution in mountain rainforests.
While in university i volunteered in the National Marine Aquarium for two years where I took tours both on intimate levels and did large scale talks to Several hundred individuals.I also workd in Dartmoor Zoological Park assisting in teaching, research and host possitions. Also at times taking a leading possition in the host department ensuring the department runs smoothly.
I am a very enthusiastic individual with a passion for wildlife and would like to take part in an organistation working with animals, environmental torrism and conservation role. I am a quick learner, capable of doing many different roles ranging from research and ong term study to energetic tours. I am available to take long term possitions and internships and am eager to be part of something that actually helps the environment where I feel I would be a benifit to any organisation.
Please contact on joncole01@hotmail.co.uk for more information about myself and how i could fit in with your company
Dear Sir,
I am looking for phD scholar ship in wildlife and Eco tourism. If you have openings please help me.
To whom it may concern,
My name is Daniel and I am a Tourism Management student currently in my final year at Victoria University, Melbourne. I am seeking a position within any organisation to complete my work integrated learning program (work placement) with the possibility of leading to a permanent position. I would like to be given the opportunity to receive some hands-on experience to apply what I have learned throughout my towards my course, to network with those within the tourism industry and grow as a person with a new set of skills.
I am young, eager to learn as much as I can, a hard worker, a team player who can also work autonomously to complete tasks and achieve maximum results, and I possess a can-do attitude who embraces challenges. It would be ideal for me to get as much as experience in the field of wildlife tourism due to the diversity that tourism has to offer me and I hope my experience and knowledge as a student can benefit those in the wildlife tourism industry. My availability is flexible as I am willing to devote myself to an organisation from 1 month to 12 months and I am willing to relocate to learn more about an organisation, the environment and maintaining sustainable future.
My email is daniel.frederic@live.vu.edu.au and would like to find out more information on how I can apply for a position within the field of wildlife tourism.
Kindest regards.
I completed a Cert IV and more recently a Diploma in Conservation & Land Management earlier this month in Darwin NT and am currently seeking employment either in Cairns QLD or Port Macquarie NSW. I work part time in a retail plant nursery but require a full time position and with Government job cutbacks and the high cost of living in Darwin it is necessary for me to relocate my family to more affordable and sustainable living. My profile including experience and skills is available to view on linkedin.com.au
Liane Collins
Also received December 2012:
I am a current first year student at Leeds Metropolitan University in
England. I am studying International Tourism Management and therefore have
the option of participating in a placement for six months to a year. I am
particularly interested in wildlife and ecotourism and would therefore
ideally like to gain some experience in this sector.
Kind regards,
Kirsty Alexander
Received December 2012::
My name is Abby Stevens and I am moving to Brisbane in February this coming February and am very interested in working for your company so wondered if you had any job opportunities. I have been working in Dahab, Egypt as a Research Assistant at a Marine Research Centre for the past two years and during this time have led many tours of the surrounding National Parks and Mangroves and have become a confident public speaker. I also have been working as a PADI Dive Master for the last two years part time and a PADI Open Water Instructor since June this year. I am extremely confident in leading large groups of people and am a very friendly and approachable person. Although the majority of my experience is Marine, I am a very fast learner and have a passion for all things nature related and have done since I was exceptionally young.
I have a degree in Animal Behaviour and am currently working on my Masters Degree in Science.
French student wanting internship beginning May 2012
A French student rang me and wrote to me waning an internship with Araucaria Ecotours, and sounded very nice but we are not really in a position to take on another intern this year.
Part of her letter reads :
“At present I am studying a MBA in Management of tourism and services, specialising in tourism destinations at Group Sup de Co La Rochelle. This degree program has helped to enhance my knowledge in ecotourism, e-tourism, marketing, and especially in the commercialisation and the promotion of tourism destinations.
Last year, I successively completed a 3 month internship for a tour operator that specialises in themed trips. This experience taught me; how to create tailor made trips, formulate quotes, create travel journals, and build a rapport with clients. During this internship we worked towards very strict deadlines, reinforcing my time management skills.
Working and studying abroad has given me more of an international outlook. I am fluent in French, English and German. My experiences abroad have allowed me to discover new cultures and different ways of working.
I offer you; my experience, technical know-how acquired during my academic studies, along with the tacit knowledge gained from previous job roles. I am eager to make this a mutually beneficial experience. I believe my zeal, ease of adaptability and strong interpersonal skills make me a suitable candidate.
Contact WTA via the contacts page if you have an ecotourism business and would like to get in touch with Virginie
One of our members writes that his son has “a friend from Griffith Uni who graduated with him in Dec who is looking for environmental work urgently to avoid having to leave Australia when his student visa runs out on March 3rd. His name is Nicholas (Nico) Rakotopare. He is from Reunion and therefore is French and also speaks German and English of course. I think he would like to do honours but it is very expensive for foreign students. I have attached his resume. He is very bright and enthusiastic and an excellent photographer (see http://www.lerako.net). His special interest is reptiles and amphibians but he is a very good all around biologist. Is it possible to get info about him to WTA members in the hope that someone out there might have an opening for him. ”
If anyone is interested, please use the contact page for WTA and I can put you in touch (and send you the resume)
I would love to go to Australia and see a real kangaroo and koala bears! I hope I could meet young and outgoing tour guides for my plan. Going away from stress, I believe nature tripping is the best resort.
I am a 32 year old female, ready to have a career change.All my life i have loved nature, animals, wildlife conservation & the protection of animals.I own almost every animal / wildlife documentary and financially support many animal non for profit organisations and thought my passion and love for wildlife conservation could be my career also.What courses do I need to complete to work for wildlife tourism, parks and wildlife services and or animal eco sustainability? kind regards, Debbie
You would need to start by getting a degree in environmental science, I strongly recommend doing as much volunteer work as you can while studying as Uni alone wont land you a job but is a requirement for most roles offered in Australia.
A good organisation that will get you started on the animal side of things is wildcare Australia, they offer courses in animal rehabilitation and care. Once you get to a certain level of certification you get put on a register to be called upon when there is a need. This is all volunteer work and unless your a vet there are not many paid jobs for this. You can specialise eg: mammals or reptiles
A lot of environmental work in Australia is done by volunteers, the real money lies with the mining companies who are under strick regulations by EPA. Funnily enough a lot of jobs are available through mining companies for environmental work, once again you will need a degree in science to get your foot in the door.
A good practical course for revegetation work is Cert III CALM through TAFE.
Good Luck and be sure to get involved with local groups as this is where you will learn lots 🙂