Eye to Eye Marine Encounters, Port Douglas. Tours
Want to swim eye to eye with a minke whale? Dive among schooling sharks at Osprey Reef? Or explore the pristine waters around Raine Island (the largest green turtle rookery in the world)? Eye to Eye Marine Encounters runs 4-8 day expeditions to the best dive sites on the Great Barrier Reef and aims to provide unforgettable wildlife interactions. As the only vessel in the region with no fixed itinerary, we are free to make the most out of changing sea conditions and seasonal highlights to ensure you have the very best experience. The cost of your trip also helps to fund fieldwork by leading marine scientists.
In return they: – provide fascinating on board lectures as well as informal discussions – allow you to observe and take part in the science (participation optional) – share cutting edge techniques and discoveries in real time This unique arrangement allows you to get closer to wildlife than ever before (often within an arm’s length!) while also supporting valuable research and conservation.
Our flagship Swim with Minke Whale Expeditions run for 4-6 days over June and July and have won numerous awards for sustainable wildlife interactions. Not only can we boast a 100% success rate for in-water whale encounters, but the trip also includes diving/snorkeling at some of the top sites on the Ribbon Reefs.
For more on these trips including prices/dates click on the following link: www.marineencounters.com.au/itinerary_minke.htm
Watch an expose of our Swim with Minke Whales expeditions here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahlj8cPX-J4
For a write up about our Swim with Minke Whale expeditions in UK Diver click here: www.marineencounters.com.au/docs/Minke%20article%20by%20Justin%20Gilligan%20UK%20DIVER.pdf
For more information about minke whales go to: www.minkewhales.com.au
We also offer the following expeditions at certain times of the year:
Tiger shark / Green Turtle Tagging (7-10 days Nov/Dec), Far Northern sector of GBR Reef shark Tagging (6 days), Ribbon Reefs and Coral Sea (Osprey Reef)
Eye To Eye Marine Port Douglas, QLD 4877
Contact: John Rumney
Telephone: (07) 4098 5417
Mobile: 0417 726 622
Email: info@marineencounters.com.au
Hello, John and Linda. Enquiring if you are still running your tours this year? We have an enquiry from a client to stay on our vessel Galaxy I and they are looking at 14/7/22 for 4 days.
Thank you
Kind regards
Hi, I’m struggling to get access to your website.
We’re in port Douglas until 20th July, and I would like some more information on the whale watching/interaction tours that you do. Price etc. my phone number is 0457221526